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spy September 4, 2024 at 2:14:36 AM
Feel free to include your site here: https://spycicl.neocities.org/
What interest u rn? like anime, books, etc: tf2

cheers i love ur site its so cute n i love the aesthetic

Replied on: September 8, 2024 at 10:40:21 AM

Heya, thanks! Ur site's cool too <3

gabi August 24, 2024 at 6:13:14 AM
Feel free to include your site here: nope
What interest u rn? like anime, books, etc: ur mom


Replied on: August 24, 2024 at 6:37:10 AM


Ethan July 21, 2024 at 6:39:12 AM
Feel free to include your site here: google.com
What interest u rn? like anime, books, etc: Chocolate

Sup bro. How you doing? We were supposed to bro down the other day. Didn't see you. Whats up with that bro? Come on bro we supposed to be bros. I am shaking right now thinking of what you did bro. Please I deserve a better bro.

Replied on: July 22, 2024 at 1:22:13 PM

BROO LMAOO HII. I was busy yesterday bro, cause I'm not unemployed unfortunately, sorry bro :( Hit me up again so we can schedule another bro down activity again bro

Najl July 9, 2024 at 12:17:08 PM

sorry for what i have just said to you yesterday. it maybe just me projecting my experience with people who always want to slander me or make me feel down, throw the hate towards others who are pretty—talking about beauty privilege and beauty standards because they are jealous of others who are pretty and trying to make them feel bad. i was pretty sensitive yesterday, my apologies. i am glad that it was not what you meant. i know beauty standards affected them and hurt their self esteem, but it is wrong to throw their insecurities and self hate on others. ive see it everywhere, pretty girls are hated for being who they are. i need them to understand that it is not those pretty girls fault to be preferred by the society, and since that happened a lot everywhere that pretty girls are hated, i tend to dislike someone who hate beauty standard, i tend to think that most people who are not fit to the beauty standard are secretly evil and hateful, they mask it by being kind to others because when they don't mask it society will never accept such people. keep in mind that its just my perspective and experience that might differ from your perspective and experience.

Replied on: July 19, 2024 at 1:23:43 PM

Heya again, sorry for the really late reply. I was quite busy irl due to things lol. It's okay btw, i do understand your perspective and i'm sorry that such thing happens to you. I guess it's prolly because blaming on someone who's attractive is easier than holding society accountable for shoving it down everyone's throat. Although, i do understand why people hate beauty standards due to pressure and issues I've mentioned earlier, i think instead of indulging in a never ending "blaming game", people should just focus on themselves and improve for the better. After all, beauty standard is nothing if you're confident enough. Insecurity is quite a bummer ngl.

Najl July 8, 2024 at 7:24:05 PM

i thought this site were cool by your interests, mean girls & girly stuff, but you hate beauty standard? i hope you don't project your insecurities by hating beauty standard itself cause everyone knows that only ugly and insecure ppl hate beauty standards. it's just irritating but don't worry i won't unfollow you.

Replied on: July 8, 2024 at 8:51:26 PM

Beauty standards (i'm talking about lighter skin color, straight hair, small pointed nose, etc.) often got pushed by society onto an individual (especially girls and woman), which could be harmful cause it could lead them to do dangerous things, like for example skin bleaching and skin whitening injections that could affect someone's health. Sadly, this is still an on going issue in my country, hence why i'm not really in favor with beauty standard. Or maybe it's not because of the beauty standard itself, but how it got shoved into everyone's throat and the pressure to be like one. I do believe everyone should feel great about themselves, including by appearance, without caring about whatever beauty standards that's trending rn. I do agree security and confident is something that someone could develop and it's also a responsibility for an individual to do so. If you'd like to, you're welcome to discuss this further with me just for exchanging thoughts and ideas, after all i love talking and discussing things ^^ As for you concern, i'm good don't worry haha <3, i've come a long way to learn how to love myself and i wouldn't ask to be anyone else other than me. After all beauty is a very subjective thing and i respect everyone's standard and preference. What i do not like tho... is when someone demanding everyone to be the standard they like/desire lol. Btw, thanks for following me and i hope we can still be mutual despite our differences (,,^w^,,)

Lalita July 8, 2024 at 12:59:52 PM
Feel free to include your site here!: I don't have a site yet but considering to make one but i don't know how to code, just chilling on neocities to wander around

Your site is everything AKA so damn cool reminds me of my y2k mcbling childhood. You are a feminist tooo???. I hope i can make cool sites on neocities soon too

Replied on: July 8, 2024 at 4:04:09 PM

Heya, thanks! <3 so happy that you love my site. Yea i am, although later on I'd be focusing more on feminism in my own country and it's history. I'd recommend w3school for starter in learning codes, and feel free to contact me if you wanna ask about codes (it's on my about page). You're also welcome to check my page source too <3 (it's quite messy, my apologies T-T) good luck on ur site building! ^^

Gece July 4, 2024 at 11:21:41 PM

I found this place completely randomly while looking at something else and I LOVED IT! So colorful and so kawaii! Also inspiring! I hope you have a happy day! :dalga:

Replied on: July 5, 2024 at 6:29:02 PM

Thank you, i'm happy that you enjoy my site <3<3<3 Hope you have an awesome day! ^^

J July 1, 2024 at 4:53:53 PM

u r so cool, luv ur sites <3

Replied on: July 2, 2024 at 11:25:56 AM

Hey! thank you so much, glad that you like it ^^ <3